Zinara grumbles over councils

Shongedzai Mugwagwa

The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) has complained about local councils’ failure to exhaust and put into intended use the money allocated to them for roads development.

Speaking during a tour conducted by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development last week in Manicaland and Mashonaland East, Zinara Finance Director, Simon Taranhike expressed concern over councils' failure to exhaust road construction funds advanced to them.

"As the case with Manicaland province, last year we allocated about $7,5m but only $3,8m was claimed. This year, we allocated them $8,9m and the money is there for the (local) road authorities but it hasn’t been drawn yet," he said.

Taranhike’s concern was shared by the Minister of Transport, Joel Biggie Matiza, who was the guest of honour of the tour, who challenged Local councils to employ road qualified and certified engineers.

Minister Matiza urged local authorities to complement Government efforts in rehabilitating existing roads as well as construction of new ones.

“Employ qualified engineers to oversee road projects,” he said.

“Our roads should meet SADC standards. Road carnage is claiming over 1 000 lives a year.

“Our roads have potholes because you employed unqualified people to oversee road construction and certify roads,” he added.

The tour revealed that most local authorities are not providing Zinara with programmes of work and acquittals to enable disbursements of road funds, thereby delaying projects, it has emerged.

Roads being rehabilitated in Manicaland include Ngundu-Tanganda, Murambinda-Ruangwe, Odzi-Marange-Zviripiri, Nyamangura Bridge, Mutare-Masvingo, Chivhu-Nyazura and Chiriga-Chikore.

On the sidelines, The Harare Post interviewed Zinara Director Technical, Engineer  Mauwa  who told this publication that they have lined up massive road works in 2019.

“This year alone, close to $1 billion has been channelled to revamp and beautify our roads so that standards meet those of the region. We have the right personnel for the job and we promise to deliver to the people’s expectations,” he said.

Engineer Mauwa highlighted massive works are being witnessed in the Harare-Beitbridge partial dualisation.