Post-election dialogue set for today

By Rudo Saungweme

In line with his open door policy, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has invited Presidential Party candidates who participated in the 2018 Presidential elections to discuss the framework for post-election dialogue.

In a press statement, Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr Misheck Sibanda said, “The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Cde E.D Mnanagwa is inviting leaders of political parties who participated in the Presidential election of 30 July 2018 to a meeting to discuss a framework for dialogue and interaction.”

President Mnangagwa has always indiscriminately called for dialogue with anyone so as to shape the country before and after the 30 July 2018 Presidential elections, Harare Post has learnt.

Speaking to the Zimbabwe Independent on 24 January 2019, Presidential spokesperson, George Charamba said, “President Mnangagwa`s concept for dialogue is wider. Soon after elections he asked for dialogue, what Zanu PF and this Government will not countenance is someone who asks for dialogue while pointing a gun at the head of the Government. And metaphorically the gun in this sense is queuing hooligans on the streets to terrorise and destroy property and cause mayhem.”

However, efforts for the national dialogue were always frustrated by MDC leader Nelson Chamisa who had been setting conditions for the dialogue.

Chamisa refused to acknowledge that President Mnangagwa won the 30 July 2018 elections as he accused the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) of rigging elections.

Speaking after the 30 July 2018 elections, Chamisa said, “Any such dialogue by the party must and shall be anchored on a five-point plan (that) includes return to legitimacy and democracy-the respecting of the win and will of the people, respecting the true outcome of this election.”

Despite the olive branch being extended to the opposition leaders, Mr Chamisa is attempting to set the conditions for the dialogue. Among other conditions is the demand for an independent convener and the release of looters who were arrested in the vicious protests of 14-16 January.

“Dialogue not games. We’ve a political crisis arising out of a disputed and rigged Presidential election result in Zimbabwe. The Presidency is disputed. We need genuine dialogue under a credible Convener and mediator to solve this crisis. Stop citizens’ abuses, beatings and arrests,” Chamisa today tweeted.

The national shutdown saw the arrest of more than 1000 looters across the country. Some shops closed down their businesses after the violence as they incurred unrecovered losses after the thugs looted and burnt their wares.

Dr Noah Manyika of the Built Alliance Zimbabwe party also indicated that he will only attend the dialogue after the release of the looters and thugs who participated in the 14 to 16 January.

The national dialogue which will be facilitated by the Office of the President and the Cabinet, will be held today at State House at 1600 hours.