Zinara re-ignites national road rehabilitation programme

By Shongedzai Mugwagwa

The Zimbabwe National Road Authority (Zinara) is planning to embark on a massive road maintenance programme nationally.

The project is a continuation of the hot spots road rehabilitation conducted by Zinara in 2018 which saw massive road works.

In an interview with the Harare Post, a Zinara executive told this publication that they have been requested to initiate the Hot Spots road rehabilitation programme across the country.

The source from Zinara said a committee was set up to secure funding for the project and a directive given to them was to make sure the project takes off with immediate effect.

“I am coming from a meeting where we were advised to embark on hot spots road rehabilitation phase two,” he said.

The new dispensation has recorded a success story in the rehabilitation of roads which were littered with potholes at national level.  

In Harare, several major roads such as Harare Drive, Enterprise Road, the busy Masimbi in Glen Norah, Addenenn Road in Mbare, the one in Warren Park and many others in the low and high density suburbs have been rehabilitated as government steps up efforts to bring relief to motorists who were exposed to pothole littered roads and as a way of curbing road carnages.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development, Honourable Joel Biggie Matiza will tomorrow tour Manicaland province road work projects as well as a ground breaking ceremony of the Ngundu-Tanganda project.