US$200mln USA embassy raises questions

By Zivanai Dhewa

The US$200million Unites States of America embassy in the Westgate area of Harare has raised a lot of questions from both the local and international community exposing its US hypocrisy.

Debra Wakanaka, threw a question on her Twitter handle concerning the US Embassy. “What is it that the Americans saw by investing in Embassy buildings worth over $200million.”

MDC T party spokesperson Linda Masarira also quizzed their intensions and said, “They impose sanctions on Zimbabwe which strains business and further impoverish the masses yet they built a US$200 million embassy in Westgate, Harare in this harsh and unpredictable economic and political climate.  What is it that the Americans know that we don’t know?”

Responding to the question, Thando Mathe posted saying “your thoughts are correct that embassy has nothing to do with a free Zimbabwe.  It has everything to do with protecting US personnel in a warzone, a Zimbabwe with civil unrest, an unrest which they will incite as always.  For a fact they did in Libya.”

“Truth be told I view them building that structure in Zimbabwe they are going to pull some black ops shit soon.  It doesn’t make sense to the common that they build the largest embassy in a country they say is riddled with instability, watch the space, that’s my take,” added one netizen only identified as Ivainashe,

In an effort to discourage polarised politics while at the same time encouraging unity of purpose for the good of our nation, another netizen known only as Revelations said, “They know the more we keep hating each other over political difference, the more divided we are and the less we can see the truth about our situation, as long as we stay in this delusional state of polarised political bias they get less resistance on their interests.”

Kwama Majoni added saying, “They pour in $200mln and will rob Zimbabwe of $200 billion, and those are the Americans for you.  They don’t give a damn about Zimbabwean architects and builders, let alone their own African-American population, why then would they care about Zimbabweans,” he asked.