Progressive Political Parties applaud ED's calls for dialogue

By Gift Mashoko

Progressive based parties, Coalition of Democrats (CODE), MDC-T and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) are in line with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s calls for national dialogue with opposition parties, engagements with regional and international community and condemnation of violence.

During a press statement held in Harare today, the progressive based parties laid a foundation of a broad based National dialogue press statement were they collectively and patriotically called for a broad based home grown national dialogue.

“We collectively and patriotically call for a broad based and home grown National Dialogue. We propose that the dialogue must be all inclusive, taking into consideration our diversity and different interest groups such as churches, labour, business, student bodies, women, youth, vulnerable groups, political parties among others,” they said.

The Progressive political parties agreed that the dialogue needed to focus on, turning around the economy, full implementation of the economy, observance of good governance, finding solutions to the endemic corruption with the view of eliminating it and exploring solutions of ensuring full re-integration of Zimbabwe. All of which are issues President Mnangagwa is always raising.

The progressive political parties reiterated President Mnangagwa sentiments of engagements and re-engagements with the national community and condemnation of violence.

“As Progressive Political Parties we have taken it upon ourselves to invite other political parties to engage in this important process as well as engaging the regional and international community to assist us in reviving our economy.

“We condemn violence in all forms, violence does not pay. We are desirous of the urgent need to move away from this self-destructive trajectory and that all forms of violence are averse to our values and principles of Ubuntu,” they said.

They called for Zimbabweans to unite, to which MDC-T spokesperson Linda Masarira agreed saying Zimbabwe has more that unites than what divides us. Masarira who is always being attacked for being pro-government and being factual said together we can build a better brighter Zimbabwe for prosperity.