Zim Medical Association dispels charges in USD

Derick Tsimba

The Zimbabwe Medical Association (ZiMA) has issued a press statement dispelling a false social media message alleging that it had increased consultation fees for general practitioners and specialists.

The message also alleges that the new consultation fees will be charged in USD.

In a press statement yesterday ZiMA National Secretary General, Dr S. M. Chirisa said official recommendations regarding tariff increases by ZiMA were yet to be issued since consultations were still underway. 

“ZiMA has a position on tariffs, please note that consultations are underway between ZiMA and all relevant stakeholders regarding tariffs. The official ZiMA recommendations will be communicated once the ZiMA National Tariffs and Liaison Committee (NTLC) consolidates all recommendations from Branches and Affiliate Associations as well as concludes negotiations with AHFoZ and other stakeholders in the health industry,” said Dr Chirisa.

The press statement by ZiMA follows a false social media message signed by a Dr. A. T. Maravanyika which is circulating on WhatsApp stating that ZiMA has issued out recommended tariffs as follows, General Practioners USD35 and USD30 for initial consultation and review respectively.  

Harare Post notes that the social media has become a platform for misinformation resulting in the misleading of the public. It has been responsible for the panic buying that led to a short-lived artificial shortage of basic commodities and the recent disastrous demonstrations that occurred early this year in January.