MDC violence knows no boundary

Christopher Makaza.

Citizens have castigated MDC elements for trying to cause chaos and disturbances at the late national hero, Oliver Mtukudzi`s burial in Madziwa yesterday, claiming that their leader Nelson Chamisa had been denied entrance to the VIP tent by the security forces.

MDC supporters alleged that Chamisa was being denied entry for the second time after he was also allegedly elbowed out at the National Sports Stadium on Saturday.

MDC-T Spokesperson, Linda T Masarira on her twitter page posted, “Of MDC-A and vandalism...@PatsonDzamara what is moronic is vandalism and organizing your support base to protest at a funeral. Hamuna hunhu munonyadzisa stereki. Ndonzwa kukunyarirai nekindergarten politics dzenyu idzi.

Zanu PF Youth Deputy secretary, Lewis Matutu responded, “People like Chalton Hwende, Mr Jairosi , why are you not showing the world real pictures where Chamisa is at Mtukudzi’s funeral  instead of spreading lies saying that Chamisa was blocked from attending Mtukudzi’s funeral.”

Cyber troll Patrick Chitaka on his twitter page posted, “It's unfortunate that Chamisa has become a focal point of division rather than unity. When a leader focuses on division and grandstanding at the expense of the common good, a country will not prosper. Can't we learn from Kenya where Raila and Uhuru have put the country first?”

Ronald Mbeke tweeted, “Chamisa loves attention and enjoys making headlines.  Government mustn`t fall on his traps. He is a drama king and will always be like that.”

It`s not the first time the opposition party created scenes at funeral, MDC-T President Thokozani Khupe was once attacked by pro Chamisa MDC youths at Morgan Tsvangirai`s burial in Buhera.  She was threatened with death and told to go back to Matabeleland before she was attacked with stones, umbrellas and other makeshift weapons.