Zanu PF sets sights on Bulawayo dominance in Dec by-elections

The Party's National Political Commissar, Dr. Mike Bimha, held a tactical meeting with the province's leadership, signalling a vigorous campaign approach.

A source within Zanu PF unveiled that Dr. Bimha's meeting with the Bulawayo provincial chiefs was not only a war-room strategy session but also a call to mirror the Masvingo province's successful tactics, which had previously led to victory in the Gutu West by-election earlier this year.

“The Commissar's message was unambiguous and focused on harnessing the spirit of unity demonstrated in Masvingo and replicating it in Bulawayo,” said the source.

The source informed that Dr. Bimha said that Zanu PF’s strategy in the coming elections hinged on an intensive door-to-door campaign that aims to bring the Government and Party’s policies and programmes directly to the voters' doorsteps.

"The party is determined to seize all Bulawayo constituencies come December. Dr. Bimha has instructed the leadership to leave no stone unturned, making sure that the electorate is well-informed about the Government's initiatives, like the Pfumvudza programme, designed to spur agricultural productivity and ensure food security," shared the source.

The source said that amidst the call for robust campaigning, the Commissar also stressed the essential need for unity within the Party ranks. The leadership was admonished to quell any internal rifts to cement a solidified stance before the electorate.

"Dr. Bimha highlighted that unity is our bedrock. Without it, we risk our success in the by-elections," the source added.

Political analyst, James Mazhandu noted that Zanu PF's strategic push to win over Bulawayo signifies a deeper confidence in its policies and its connection with the citizens.

"Zanu PF is channelling its energies into communicating its achievements and plans effectively to the people, believing that its record will secure the desired outcome in the by-elections," Mazhandu commented.

As the countdown to the by-elections begins, Zanu PF's campaign machinery is gearing up for what it anticipates to be a landmark victory, underpinned by a strategy of direct voter engagement and a showcase of Government-led development programmes.

The Party's leadership, unified and focused, is set to embark on a comprehensive campaign trail aimed at securing Bulawayo's constituencies and retain its two thirds majority.