ZANU PF rejects fake recall letter

This deceptive document purportedly seeks the recall of 70 Members of Parliament, allegedly attributed to a ZANU PF member.

Marapira swiftly distanced himself and the Party from this fabricated letter, categorically stating that he had no involvement in its creation. He asserted that the letter was a disingenuous attempt by opposition agents to spread falsehoods and sow discord.

Writing on his X handle, Marapira firmly stated, "If a letter purported to be signed off by me is not on this timeline, then that letter is false and should be disregarded. The people of Zimbabwe, knowing the scope of my office, know what to entertain and what to disdain. Desperate attempts by fly-by-night political outfits to transfer problems born of their ineptness onto mature parties like ZANU PF are not only vacuous but decidedly uncreative. If it is not on this timeline, it is not my words. Simple."

Renowned political analyst, Calven Chitsunge also weighed in on the matter, denouncing the CCC's fake letter as a desperate ploy to incite chaos by spreading baseless claims about the Zimbabwean people.

Chitsunge emphasised, "The individuals behind the fake recalls of ZANU PF MPs are misguided. Their actions are based on false equivalency and a lack of foresight. False equivalency leads them to mistakenly believe that the circumstances in ZANU PF mirror those in CCC, justifying recalls of ZANU PF MPs using the same methods employed by CCC. The truth is, ZANU PF is well-structured, with an elected leader at both the Party and state level, a constitution, established structures, order, and discipline. In contrast, CCC lacks all of these, making it susceptible to recalls of its MPs and councillors by anyone, anywhere, and at any time."

Chitsunge continued, "In ZANU PF, there is no room for foolishness or ineptitude, unlike CCC, which is entangled in chaos and characterised by ill-conceived politics. ZANU PF, under the competent and patriotic leadership of President Mnangagwa, is focused on its annual conference, Anti-Sanctions Day, and daily national service delivery as part of the Vision 2030 agenda. There is no time for disorderly conduct."

Meanwhile, in a notable rebuff to CCC leader Nelson Chamisa and his Western supporters, SADC released its final report on the Zimbabwean elections. This report omitted the biased submissions found in the widely discredited preliminary SADC Election Observer Mission (SEOM), underscoring a commitment to impartiality in assessing the electoral process.