Chamisa loyalists set humiliate Biti in Upcoming Elective Congress

Speaking to this publication, a confidential source within the CCC party revealed that Chamisa loyalists are allegedly planning to humiliate Biti, during their upcoming elective congress.

"Biti received a warning from a well-placed informant within the party, who cautioned him about the impending humiliation at the upcoming congress," said the source.

According to the source, the loyalists appear to be concerned about the rapid rise of Sengezo Tshabangu within that party and believe that Biti's political manoeuvres may have played a significant role in his ascendancy. In response, the source claims that they intend to thwart Biti's influence by subjecting him to humiliation at the upcoming elective congress.

“The primary reason for this apparent animosity revolves around the controversial power move by Sengezo Tshabangu, who publicly recalled all CCC Members of Parliament. The move was seen as a bold assertion of power within the party, and Biti's alleged involvement has raised suspicions among Chamisa loyalists.

“They view Tendai Biti as a potential threat to their control of CCC.  They are convinced that he is indirectly supporting Tshabangu's actions, which is against their interests. The loyalists are determined to undermine Biti's standing within the party and expose his alleged machinations. They see him as a threat to the party's unity and believe that he is responsible for the recent power grab by Tshabangu,” revealed the source.

Meanwhile, as the CCC congress looms on the horizon, the battle for influence within that party rages on. According to political analysts, Biti may find himself in the crosshairs with Chamisa yet again with other reports indicating an obvious scuffle between the two over the selection of candidates ahead of the upcoming by-elections.