Professor Moyo reprimands political lawyers

Xeeting on his X page, Professor Moyo criticised their assertions that this appointment was unconstitutional and emphasised that the final say on constitutionality rests with the Constitutional Court.

“The political-lawyers who are busy in these streets ranting that it is unconstitutional for General PV Sibanda to sit as an ex officio member of the Zanu PF politburo, claiming that their assertion is unassailable as it is supposedly the only correct position beyond debate, are better advised to stop wasting time here and to go and tell that tale to the Constitutional Court and end the matter there,” said Prof. Moyo.

Moreover, Prof. Moyo urged these political lawyers to acknowledge the broader purpose of a constitution.

"The same political lawyers should stop pretending that they don't know that a constitution should be there not only to make things clear in order to prevent wrongdoing to the extent possible, but, and this is very important, it is also there to correct things when wrongdoing occurs,” said Professor Moyo.

Meanwhile, Professor Moyo didn't stop at critiquing the lawyers' claims regarding General Sibanda's role but also expressed his perspective on governance structures.

“There is no civilised or progressive argument for a constitution less wapusa wapusa no-party state. And make no mistake about it: with modern China in mind, a one-party state is better than a no-party state. No-party structureless structures are most definitely primitive and worse than one-party state structures,” said Prof. Moyo.