EU Observer reprimanded

In a clear show of bias, a EUOM official, Dianna Ferrari, gave CCC leader, Nelson Chamisa in full view of onlookers, a card with notes to include in his speech. The move cemented the Government’s concern about the EUOM’s subjectivity in observing the country’s election.

A contact revealed to this publication that one EUOM official, Tereza Lewis chastised Ferrari for displaying undisguised bias towards Chamisa. He reportedly told Ferrari that her behaviour had armed ZANU PF with justification to accuse them of partiality.

“The mission was not amused by your behaviour my girl. You knew very well that Chamisa is a presidential candidate and we are under the ZANU PF radar. You must be very careful next time, these guys will use that to discredit our mission. Whatever we will say, even our report on the election will be discredited because of your behaviour. We have fallen into their trap and we are seriously compromised,” Lewis is reported to have said.

The contact said Ferrari blamed the whole blooper on one Eckart, a EU observer whom she claimed gave her a business card to hand over to Chamisa.

Zimbabwean authorities have been complaining about the EUOM for meddling in the country’s internal affairs in a manner that unmasks their bias.

Rutendo Zvinoira, a political analyst from Harare says the EU observers have a plot to tarnish the country’s harmonised general elections.

“These people have been working closely with CCC. It will be folly of you to expect an objective report from the EUOM. They have been trying to influence other observer missions to use their template report in the name of synchronisation. President Mnangagwa invited everyone to observe our elections but the invitees are abusing that privilege to push their agenda,” said Zvinoira.

At a rally in Shurugwi last week, President Mnangagwa warned observers to observe the elections with open mind and stick to their mandate.