Chamisa’s confidence in winning election unfounded

Political analysts argue that Chamisa's confidence may be misplaced given his party's performance in previous elections. The MDC-cum-CCC has not secured a majority in the House of Assembly since its inception, casting doubt on the party's ability to turn the tables on ZANU PF in the forthcoming elections.

“Chamisa's confidence may stem from the not so recent past when prices of basic commodities were sky rocketing and salaries were being eroded by the influence of the black market.

“During that time people were disgruntled, but the ruling Zanu PF has since made inroads and stabilised the runaway inflation and prices of basic commodities have been reduced significantly. So people are no longer disgruntled in fact they now believe in the Government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his ability to move the country forward,” said political analyst Terrence Chipwanya.

Another political analyst, Sydney Makore, reiterated saying that Chamisa expected the rural urban migration of the youths to make up for the numbers.

“Chamisa expects his party's popularity to surge, due to the rural to urban migration, however what he does not realise is that the demography of rural migrants has been minimal and is nothing to write home about.

“Chamisa has consistently appealed to young, urban Zimbabweans leading to his purging of all senior CCC leaders such as Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube, Luke Tamborinyoka and Thokozani Khuphe, people who commanded large followings. So his prospects of winning the elections have radically reduced”.

Meanwhile, some members of the CCC who are contesting in the upcoming elections are seriously considering jumping ship after the elections.  This has been necessitated by the growing discontent over Chamisa’s dictatorial tendencies and lack of structures within that party.