CCC continues to unleash violence

A source who spoke to this publication revealed that one CCC Ward 26 Local Authority candidate, Knowledge Chigoma attacked ZANU PF Ngorezha District Chairman, Paymore Ngwarangwara at Ngorezha Business Centre in Hurungwe West constituency.

“CCC is very much aware that its Mugwazo programme was a failure. The party tried all means possible to lure the people in rural areas because they know that they are no longer popular in urban areas. This is because they have ruined the lives of the urbanites.  CCC is now engaging in violence in these rural areas.

“It is a way of  instilling fear to ZANU PF members ahead of next month`s harmonized elections. On 28 June 2023, Knowledge Chigoma,  an aspiring candidate for ward 26 local authority went and attacked ZANU PF Ngorezha district Chairman, Paymore Ngwarangwara at his retail shop at Ngorezha Business Centre,” said the source.

According to the source, Chigoma insulted Ngwarangwara who was sitting in his retail shop on 28 June 2023. The source revealed that Chigoma, who was in the company of one unidentified CCC member, provoked Ngwarangwara by shouting at him and attacking the ZANU PF party which did not go down well with the later and the two started to exchange blows.

The source stated that Chigoma and his CCC members went on to report the matter at Magunje Police Station. However, Ngwarangwara also reported his case to Magunje Police Station highlighting that he was provoked and attacked by CCC activists, a move that led him to retaliate in self defence.

CCC activists continue to unleash violence ahead of the 2023 harmonized elections. In May this year, 20 CCC activists in Masvingo attacked two ZANU PF members and left them for dead.

Political analysts have suggested that the deliberate provocation by CCC activists to ZANU PF members especially in rural areas is a way of attracting a backlash so that they can fall in their trap which is aimed at tarnishing the image of ZANU PF party ahead of the forthcoming harmonized elections.