Kasukuwere masterminded Mujuru`s dismissal

A source who spoke to this publication revealed that Kasukuwere was the mastermind of Mujuru`s dismissal. According to the source, Kasukuwere knew about his political scantiness in Mt Darwin so he sought for the ouster of Mujuru so that he could expand his campaign foundation in that district.

“Cde, Kasukuwere`s ambitions for the presidency dates back to when he was still ZANU PF National Commissar. He was the one who leaked to the late former President, Robert Mugabe that the former Vice President Joice Mujuru had formed a faction code named Garmatox, which intended to dismiss the former. However, Kasukuwere used to deny these allegations indicating that the country had only one President.

“This is not surprising at all. Mujuru was very loyal to the late former President Mugabe and Kasukuwere had to do all he can to destroy the rapport that was between the two,” said the source.

The source revealed that Kasukuwere shuns the war veterans and does not respect them. He further said that Kasukuwere`s aspirations were to destroy the connection that existed between Mujuru and the late former President Mugabe which he knew dated back to the liberation struggle.

“We all know that Mujuru and Mugabe were both war veterans and they had a very strong relationship. Their relationship dated back to the 1970s during the war against white rule, where she earned the nom-de-guerre ‘Spill Blood’ for her allegedly fearsome battlefield exploits. So Kasukuwere saw a threat in Mujuru and plotted for her ouster from the ruling Party,” said the source.

In his speech yesterday Kasukuwere, uttered that Zimbabwe must be led by only the youths and he expressed his resentment for the old guards to make way for the youths, stating that they must all be removed from power. Political analysts continue to slam Kasukuwere indicating that he does not have the qualities of a leader. They stated that Kasukuwere is selfish, corrupt and biased.