Maruva cabal resists Chamisa’s machinations

A source who spoke to this publication said that Biti and other Maruva cabal members were accusing Chamisa of devising a strategy to reward his loyalists with parliamentary positions while relegating senior members to the political dustbin.

 “Tendai Biti, together with the members of the Maruva cabal, is up in arms with Chamisa over his antics for CCC to forego primary elections. Biti is accusing Chamisa of running the party as a family business and is pushing for candidates to be selected through a transparent and democratic primary election process. Currently, Biti’s faction has upper hand and this is the reason Chamisa suggested foregoing primary elections so that he could thwart Biti’s influence within the party,” said the source.

According to the source, Chamisa got intelligence that most senior party officials were supporting Biti and Chamisa was now making frantic efforts to decimate Biti’s faction.

The same source claimed that Biti commanded respect from CCC interim structures in Bulawayo, Manicaland and Mashonaland Central and was getting separate reports from that party’s provincial chairpersons.

Additionally, the source revealed that Biti and his allies would confront Chamisa head on if he insisted on abolishing primary elections. The source said that the Maruva cabal members were secretly campaigning and would resist any directive that would prejudice them in the forthcoming elections.

Meanwhile, a political analyst, Tendai Maphosa said that Chamisa was turning into a dangerous dictator as he has no respect for constitutionalism and democratic processes. Maphosa added that CCC would continue to be marred with factional fights as that party had no constitution to guide its operations.