Experts applaud Government for exemplary leadership role in the region

Staff Reporter

Following the recent courtesy visit by Utoni Daniel Nujoma, son of former Namibian President Sam Nujoma, experts have applauded Government for playing an exemplary crucial role in the SADC region.

Speaking to this publication, renowned political scientist, Masimba Madondo, applauded Zimbabwe for being exemplary in its Pan-Africanist ideology and continued resilience against neo-colonialism with a track record which dates back to the liberation struggle.

“In March this year Zimbabwe hosted Former Liberation War Movements of Southern Africa (FLMSA), in Victoria Falls, calling for continued unity against detractors and Western sponsored anti-Pan African proxies, a move which positions Zimbabwe as the pinnacle of resistance, resilience in pursuit for local, regional and continental development at large,” said Madondo

Historian and political analyst, Tobias Muteuro explained that Zimbabwe’s sovereignty has allowed it to pursue a self-propelled development initiative that seeks to benefit its people.

“The visit by Nujoma cements the Second Republic’s Engagement and Re-engagement drive, where Zimbabwe as a sovereign country remains a friend to all and enemy to none… a direct contrast to those who seek to reverse the gains of the liberation struggle and control the means of production at the expense of the Zimbabwean people,” said Muteuro.

Last year, Zimbabwe successfully held its democratic elections that were free and fair, with no interference. This notable achievement prompted leaders from neighboring countries, including Botswana, South Africa, and Mozambique, to visit Zimbabwe and learn from its experience