Harare Citizens Outraged Over Alleged Misuse of Funds by HCC

Staff Reporter

Harare residents are fuming over what they describe as rampant misuse of public funds by the opposition-led City of Harare management, as essential services continue to falter.

Allegations of extravagant spending on workshops have sparked public outrage, with claims suggesting that over US$11 million was squandered in just seven months this year.

While Harare City Council (HCC) has dismissed these allegations, stating that only US$2.1 million was spent according to their records, citizens remain unconvinced.

The controversy was fuelled by claims from the incarcerated HCC Town Clerk, Hosiah Chisango, who suggested that a staggering US$11 million could have been spent on workshops within the first half of the year.

However, Harare Mayor Advocate Jacob Mafume, addressing a Full Council meeting on Thursday, countered these allegations with financial records showing the figure to be much lower.

 According to Mafume, the amount spent was US$2.1 million, primarily on internal staff-related programs and essential inductions for the 59 councillors, including 14 added through Proportional Representation.

National Chairman of the Zimbabwe National Organisation of Associations and Residents Trust, Shalva Chikomba, condemned the misappropriation of funds by Harare City Council, labelling it a betrayal of public trust.

"This is a clear case of financial mismanagement and lack of accountability by those entrusted with public resources. While residents are grappling with inadequate service delivery, the council is busy justifying unnecessary expenditures. We cannot stand by and watch as our money is misused under the guise of workshops and meetings," blasted Chikomba.

Chikomba further criticized the council’s priorities, stating, "Workshops should not come at the expense of service delivery. The funds could have been better utilized to improve water supply, waste management, and road maintenance, which are in dire need of attention. The City of Harare needs to put its house in order and prioritize the needs of the residents over lavish trips and unproductive meetings."

Residents have also voiced their frustration.

Kuwadzana resident, Hilda Mvududu, expressed her anger, saying, "It’s shocking that the council can spend millions on workshops while we are struggling with basic services. Our roads are in a terrible state, water is scarce, and garbage is piling up. This is unacceptable."

Another resident of Sunningdale, Tawanda Moyo, added, "The city management is out of touch with reality. We pay our rates expecting better services, not to fund their luxury trips. This kind of waste is why the city is in such a mess."

Efforts to obtain a comment from Harare spokesperson Stanley Gama were unsuccessful, as he did not respond to an inquiry sent to him via WhatsApp.