#GoFundMe screams desperate by CCC

Staff Reporter

Political Analysts have viewed the recent #GoFundMe by the newly formed Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa as an indication that the party is broke.

Frantically taking to social media, to try and mobilise people to support the CCC party ahead of the March 26 by-elections was Dr Alex Magaisa and Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, urging Chamisa and his party leadership to be seen on social in order to raise funds.

Speaking to this publication Political Analyst Mike Mutero said, “This is very clear they didn’t get the response they expected from the foreign embassies after they registered their political party.

“They expected donations such as the ones, the late Morgan Richard Tsvangirai received on the conception of the MDC T in 1999.  The US Senate has called for the US government to stop pouring money in what they termed the “sinking hole” as it has become unprofitable and weighed heavily on the US budget,” said Mutero.

Reiterating on the point made by Mutero, one Jacob kembo indicated that the US Embassy in Harare distanced itself from the newly formed party.

“I noticed that since the CCC party was launched the US Embassy in Harare has not posted or commented on it.  This shows a lack of interest and also that it is dissociating itself from the whole hullaballoo,” Kembo added.

The level of desperation that the CCC party is undergoing is unprecedented as they have no campaign regalia and March 26 is around the corner.

CCC Secretary General Chalton Hwende, took to Twitter to explain the dire situation and urgency for money.

“The GoFundMe project will help with posters, flyers and t-shirts,” Hwende said.

This is not the first time that Chamisa and his cabal have gone to Twitter appealing for money from their supporters in the diaspora.  Chamisa demanded a new car and a GoFundMe account was opened to raise money from its diaspora members.