‘Ncube, a mole within CCC’

Political Reporter

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members in Bulawayo are up in arms against that party’s co-vice president, Welshman Ncube whom they accuse of working with ZAPU and Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) to destabilize the fabric of the new party.

A source who spoke on condition of anonymity told this publication that Ncube has become a hindrance to the growth of the CCC party in Bulawayo as he was engaging in clandestine and shoddy deals with some political parties without the blessings of his party leadership.

“Ncube has become a problem in Bulawayo province. Since his admittance to the party, he has been working to undermine Chamisa in the province. He is working with MRP, ZANU PF and ZAPU to erode the CCC support base in Bulawayo. He was offered and accepted a farm from ZAPU so that he could continue destabilising the CCC programs in Bulawayo,” said the source.

The source added that Ncube had no CCC at heart as he was always sympathetic to ZAPU and MRP’s ideology of Matebeleland cessation.

“Ncube will never work for the growth and unity of CCC as he shares the same cessation ideology with ZAPU and MRP. He has a belief that his continued attachment to CCC will rob him of a chance to become the godfather of the province. Chamisa should swiftly deal with Ncube’s shenanigans before Bulawayo becomes a no go area for CCC,” added the source.

The source further said that Ncube was not worth to be a leader in the CCC party as he is a tribalist who pushes for the Mthwakazi agenda against the alleged Shona hegemony. He added that Ncube doesn’t like Chamisa and was plotting to resuscitate his MDC-N party.

The source added that Ncube’s sympathy for ZANU PF was recently exposed when he wildly celebrated the ascendancy of Jabulani Sibanda to ZANU PF Bulawayo provincial chairmanship. The source said Ncube could be forgiven for sympathising with ZANU PF as his education was sponsored by the ruling party.

According to the same source, Ncube has continued to cause confusion in Bulawayo as he is the hand behind the double fielding of candidates in Wards 9 and 26.

“The party had resolved that Norman Hlabani and Donaldson Mabutho would stand as councillors in Wards 9 and 26 respectively. However, Ncube signed for his allies, Mpumelelo Moyo and Bekithemba Nyathi to contest the same Wards under the CCC ticket. Ncube told members that people in Harare, in apparent reference to Nelson Chamisa, should not dictate what happens in Bulawayo,” added the source.

Efforts to get a comment from Ncube were futile as his mobile phones were not reachable by the time of going to print.