‘No alliance component in the NEC’- Analysts

Christopher Makaza

The recent National Executive Council (NEC) appointments made by MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa have been blamed by political analysts for lacking the alliance aspect as the council is dominated by his friends, some of whom are new to the party.

Political analyst, Mr Samson Mukoyi who spoke to Harare post said Chamisa had neutralised the party’s Vice President, Tendai Biti by downgrading his allies. Former party Spokesperson, Jacob Mafume is now the party’s Secretary for Elections and he was replaced Chamisa’s ally, Daniel Molekele who lost his bid to be the party’s Secretary General in Gweru.

“Chamisa’s appointments clearly show a picture that the so called alliance was not honoured. The appointments confirm that Chamisa consolidated his power through smuggling in his top allies at the expense of other members.

“Chamisa does not trust Biti anymore. Biti is no doubt a threat to Chamisa as he is the darling of the West. You remember Biti was given USD 50 000 prior to their Gweru congress which he used for vote buying to land the Vice Presidency post,” he said.

Mr Mukoyi also said Chamisa just recycled dead wood, a system which they have been accusing ZANU PF of doing.

“Chamisa rescued losing Vice Presidential candidates Morgan Komichi and Lillian Timveos whom he appointed Secretary for Presidential Affairs and Deputy Secretary respectively. He also accommodated the likes of Happymore Chidziva, Murisi Zwizwai, Jameson Timba, Consilia Chinanzvavana among other unpopular dead woods,” he said.

Power struggles within the opposition party started way back soon after Morgan Tsvangirai’s death when Chamisa outclassed Elias Mudzuri and Thokozani Khupe to claim the leadership post. Chamisa continued to use his tactics prior to the Gweru congress, victimising party members who were pro his contenders, the likes of Douglas Mwonzora and Mudzuri.