Zimbabwe should fully decolonise for her freedom

Xenophobia and dependency are all evidence of colonisation by the foreign powers which successfully created a monopoly over the country.

Zimbabwe has taken an effort to fully decolonise from the British education system but this has also come with criticism. For Zimbabwe to fully decolonise, it needs to change its education set-up as education holds the key to a new set of mind-set. Several schools like Prince Edward School, Allan Wilson School and Mount Pleasant School still use the names linked to the nation’s former colonisers. Changing colonial names to indigenous names is a start.

To fully decolonise, Zimbabwe also requires knowing, fully embracing and supporting the achievements gained and acquired through the liberation struggle. The mass should detest the displacement, inequalities, racism autocracy, xenophobia and media muzzling and land grabbing that colonisation brought to our forefathers and mothers. Zimbabwe needs to address the land issue which was distributed unfairly in favour of the white minority. Approximately two thirds of the total land was forcefully allocated to the white minority by the former colonialists. Resettlement of land to displaced peasants must be addressed if the country is to tackle the hunger it faces regularly.

Economically, Zimbabwe today remains captured by the same forces like Anglo conglomerates and Multi-National companies that fuelled colonialism. These firms and organisations remain driven by their capitalistic ideologies and these Multi-National organisations still maintain their hegemonies in Zimbabwe. To fully decolonise, Zimbabwe should consider investors like China who share the same history of being colonised by Britain. This will also dilute the trade monopoly that Western countries have over Zimbabwe.

Clearly the only relationship between Britain and Zimbabwe which cannot be severed is that of colonialism. The British government led by former Prime Minister Tony Blair has since decided to breach its commitment made in Lancaster House in 1979. It is to this effect that Zimbabwe government requires to divorce itself from these deceptive figures and align itself with governments that it shares the same interests.

Patriotism is a vital element required in decolonising the mentality of our black Zimbabwean people. Establishment of African Ideology Centres is very crucial if we are to reverse the dependency syndrome on white men’s rule. Institutions like Chitepo School of Ideology have been critical in the resuscitation of wilting patriotism in Zimbabwe. This institution has been vital in imparting liberation ideology in people who did not participate in the liberation struggle whilst instilling Zimbabwean identity in cadres.

It is also important to note that private media should not sacrifice Statesmanship for profits. Matters to do with what is right and what is wrong for our country should be addressed with patriotism. An example is that of the National Pledge introduced by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary in 2016. This move was demonised by private media to be a non-Christian and aligned to radical extremists without justification to these claims.

National pledge would have been a tool used to instil patriotism and commitment to Zimbabwean interests. It would have familiarised the children with the Constitution whilst cherishing the value of hard work as imbedded in the new Curriculum.

It is important for Zimbabwe to understand that the reason why Britain colonised Southern Africa is because it was one of the trade routes to India. With India being one of the biggest economies in the world, it would make sense for Britain to remain interested in controlling the region even at present date.

Discovery of gold, platinum and steel reserves amongst other minerals in Zimbabwe only makes the country a target for more pressure from the colonisers. Zimbabweans need to decolonise so that we repel these relentless tactics by the imperial powers to recolonize Zimbabwe.

Colonialism was used to create a second class citizen in Zimbabwe. Politics should be put aside and all Zimbabweans must rally behind the protagonists who fought for our independence. Every patriotic Zimbabwean must unite and fight against neo-colonialism.