by Chigumbu Warikandwa

There are various forms of governments, among them are constitutional democracies where leaders are chosen by the public using laws of universal suffrage, exercised by adult persons of sound mind.

by Own Correspondent

A quick Internet search of why people should vote revealed that balloting connects citizens with their political process. It helps choose leaders who share the same views with the electorate.

by Prosperity Mzila

On 11th of July 2018, just 19 days to election day, the MDC Alliance held a demonstration against what it termed the ‘Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s lack of transparency’ much to the disappointment of other political parties who felt that ZEC had bent over backwards beyond its lawful mandate to show transparency in the electoral process.

by Christopher Makaza

The establishment of the Zimbabwe Women’s Microfinance Bank (ZWMB), the first of its kind in Southern Africa dedicated solely to transform and economically empower women and the setting up of Youth Empowerment Bank should be taken as a great opportunity which has knocked on women and youth`s doors and should be capitalised without delay.

by Gift Mashoko

It is the City Councils’ mandate to provide efficient and effective service provision like water, roads, refuse collection, street lights among others.

by Elijah Chihota

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is defined as “a thread-like chain of nucleotides carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses.