Christopher Makaza and Rudo Saungweme

Clueless MDC-Alliance principal and leader of the Peoples’ Democratic Party, Tendai Biti, has once again revealed that they are responsible for economic sanctions bedevilling the nation.

By Staff Reporter

The newly appointed Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement which has been added other portfolio of Water and Climate, Retired Chief Air Marshal Perrence Shiri, said he would continue where he left.

by Bruce Zvandasara

MDC Alliance losing presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa’s dictatorship traits ballooned to unprecedented levels as he attempts to enhance and grow his sphere of influence ahead to the much awaited 2019 Congress where he will square it off with his secretary general, Douglas Mwonzora.

by Tinotenda Mutasa

MDC Alliance leader, Nelson Chamisa was on Sunday blasted for his latest misogynistic remarks against Zimbabwean women, this time against the Minister of Youth, Sports, Arts and Recreation, Kirsty Coventry, whom he described as a mere “child swimmer.”

Addressing a rally in St Mary’s, Chitungwiza on Saturday, Chamisa mocked the inclusion of Coventry in the new Cabinet, describing her as a “mere child swimmer” who would not add any value to the cabinet. He claimed that her addition was merely cosmetic. “Mudhidhi wedu ndakaona aiswa mukati umu, nhai vakomana, kwakutora anondhidha, anonoiteiko anodhidha uyu?”

Irate Zimbabweans immediately took to micro blogging site, Twitter, to express their disgust at Chamisa’s unwarranted attack on Coventry, noting that he was an unrepentant misogynist who also had a penchant for uncouth language.

Celebrated playwright, Tsitsi Dangarembga said, “Oh no! In my opinion, Zimbabwe is so lucky this man did not become President. His misogyny appears to be incurable. Does he have any advisors? If yes, what are they up to? Sabotage?”

Author and researcher, Dr Chipo Dendere also expressed her disgust saying “the vulgar language that comes out of @nelsonchamisa’s mouth at rallies is very shocking to me. If this is how we speak, what is our generation teaching our children? What are we leaving behind? What is our cultural legacy? I am disappointed, who speaks like that? In public?”

Losing Mt Pleasant Parliamentary candidate, Fadzayi Mahere weighed in saying “ I think the issue is, why criticise her appointment. Let’s be honest, the term kamwana isn’t complimentary. We had to fight the mind-set of the establishment suggesting kamwana can’t lead in the last election, so why call a sound professional in a position to serve that now?”

MDC-T member, Linda Masararira, was less diplomatic in her condemnation and concluded that “we would have been doomed as a nation had he (Chamisa) won the elections. His disregard for women is sickening to say the least. How does a young leader openly and boldly discriminate another young leader?”

Others expressed regret at having cast their vote for the gaffe-prone Chamisa who exhibited growing arrogant and sexist tendencies on a daily basis.

This is not the first time that Chamisa has come under fire over misogynistic tendencies as he caused another uproar early this year, after promising his sister to President Emmerson Mnangagwa if he won the elections.