Govt Pledges Support for Ekhaya Kip Keino Children’s Home to Boost Self-Sustainability

Staff Reporter

Government has unveiled plans to provide significant support to Ekhaya Kip Keino Children’s Home in Makwe Village, Gwanda District, aiming to empower the institution and enhance its self-sustainability.

This initiative is expected to secure a brighter future for the 55 orphaned and vulnerable children currently under the home’s care.

The home, which has served as a sanctuary for vulnerable children for the past 22 years, recently welcomed Matabeleland South Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister, Dr Evelyn Ndlovu, who visited the institution as part of a familiarisation tour.

During her visit, Dr Ndlovu announced that a technical team would be deployed to assess the home’s needs, and she donated 400 kilogrammes of mealie-meal to support the children's daily nutritional requirements.

“This institution plays a crucial role in offering care to orphaned and vulnerable children, and therefore, it must be supported and capacitated,” said Dr Ndlovu. “My visit here is to understand the operations and challenges of the institution so that the Government can provide appropriate intervention.”

Dr Ndlovu outlined plans to introduce additional projects to enhance the home’s self-sufficiency, including a nutrition garden, poultry farming, wheat production, and livestock initiatives.

She also highlighted the need to rehabilitate one of the homesteads damaged by fire, which has contributed to overcrowding at the facility.

Ekhaya Kip Keino Children’s Home co-founder, Zibusiso Nyoni, raised concerns about the disruptive activities of illegal miners in the area, which have posed significant challenges to the institution.

"One of the challenges we are facing is the activities of illegal miners. At one point, they had encroached into the home, and they are diverting water that is supposed to come to us, leading to serious water shortages," Nyoni explained.

Nyoni also emphasised the need for the home to be included in the Department of Social Welfare’s food programme and called for more land to expand their farming projects, which are essential for the home’s journey toward self-sufficiency.

He further appealed for a solar-powered system to provide a reliable power supply, which is crucial for the home’s operations.

Meanwhile, Ekhaya Kip Keino Children’s Home not only provides shelter for children from various districts in Matabeleland South but also equips them with agricultural skills, offering potential career opportunities for the future.

Government's planned support and interventions are anticipated to bolster the home’s capacity to continue its vital work in the community, ensuring that the needs of vulnerable children are met sustainably.