Zimbabweans urged to safeguard the country’s independence

Staff Reporter

The Acting President, General Retired Constantino Chiwenga has called on Zimbabweans to guard the nation’s independence and sovereignty with renewed dedication, emphasizing the need to carry forward the legacy of the country’s liberation war heroes.

Speaking during the burial of the late Brigadier General Retired Shadreck Dingaan Ndabambi at the National Heroes Acre, Vice President Chiwenga highlighted the sacrifices made by freedom fighters like Ndabambi and urged the nation to emulate their commitment as Zimbabwe continues on its path to economic transformation.

“Our independence did not come on a silver platter. This gathering at our sacred National Shrine to inter one of our liberation stalwarts should always serve as a reminder of the supreme sacrifice that Comrade Ndabambi and other veterans offered in service to the nation,” Vice President said.

Chiwenga’s speech underscored the pivotal role played by veterans in securing Zimbabwe’s freedom, urging the current generation to honor their sacrifices by fully supporting the country’s ongoing development initiatives. He stressed the importance of unity and hard work in achieving the economic goals set by the Second Republic under President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s leadership.

“As we accelerate toward our economic emancipation, I call upon the nation to rally behind the visionary leadership of our iconic leader, Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

We are witnessing the completion of various mega infrastructural projects in all sectors of the economy. These are giant steps towards industrialization and economic emancipation, which the late National Hero and our forebearers sacrificed their lives for,” Vice President stated.

Vice President Chiwenga also highlighted the significance of Zimbabwe’s newly introduced gold-backed currency, emphasizing its role as the cornerstone of Zimbabwe’s economic development.

He called on Zimbabweans to embrace and protect the new currency, reiterating the Government’s commitment to stabilizing the financial markets and promoting the wider use of the local currency.

“No nation will develop without sovereign control, defense, and growth of its own national currency. Government will continue to monitor the operations of our financial markets and promote efforts to grow and stabilize our national currency,” Chiwenga declared.

In his tribute to the late Brigadier General Ndabambi, Vice President Chiwenga described him as a dedicated and disciplined cadre who served Zimbabwe with distinction both before and after independence.

He expressed heartfelt condolences to the Ndabambi family, acknowledging the profound loss of a national hero who embodied humility, loyalty, and exemplary leadership.

The burial was attended by high-ranking officials, comrades, and citizens who gathered to honor the memory of Brigadier General Ndabambi, a man who devoted his life to the service of Zimbabwe.