Chirundu Border post upgrade set to transform regional trade

Staff Reporter

Government has approved a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development and the Chirundu Border Consortium.

The announcement to upgrade and modernize the Chirundu One Stop Border Post was made by the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Jenfan Muswere, during a post-Cabinet briefing.

“The project, proposed by the Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, Development and Investment Promotion, Honourable Professor, Mthuli Ncube will be executed under the Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) model over a period of 20 years,” he stated

Chirundu Border Consortium, a Zimbabwean registered company, will undertake several key responsibilities under this agreement.

“The consortium will be responsible for renovating existing border post buildings and infrastructure, constructing new buildings, weighbridges, roads, and parking bays and enhancing, improving, and integrating Information Communication Technology Systems (ICTS) into the border post operations,” Minister Muswere detailed.

He further emphasized the financial commitment, noting, “In line with the Government policy of promoting a private sector-led economy, Chirundu Border Consortium will fully provide the required funds for the project, amounting to US$66.8 million.”

Minister Muswere also highlighted the key advantages of the upgrade of the Chirundu Border Post which include substantial economic benefits to the country.

“This project will enhance the efficiency of the Beitbridge Border Post and the upgraded Beitbridge-Harare-Chirundu highway. It will improve the movement of transit traffic and make this route the most preferred along the North-South Corridor,” he added

He also pointed out the broader regional impact saying, “Improved connectedness to the region will position Zimbabwe to benefit from the African Continental Free Trade Area, facilitating faster movement of goods within the region.”

Meanwhile, this PPP is a testament to Zimbabwe’s commitment to modernizing its infrastructure and promoting economic growth through collaborative efforts with the private sector.