Pad drive program launched in Chiwundura Constituency

 Staff Reporter

Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care, Honorable Sleiman Kwidini launched the Pad Drive program at Gunde High School yesterday.

The event, themed "Menstrual Health and Hygiene as a Fundamental Right for the Girl Child," aims to leave no one and no place behind in the quest for better menstrual health and access to sanitary products.

During his keynote address, Minister Kwidini highlighted the critical importance of menstrual health and good sanitation for the well-being of young girls.

"Menstrual health is not just a health issue, it's a fundamental human right, every girl deserves to manage her period with dignity hence the need for communities to support this cause wholeheartedly,” Minister Kwidini said.

He further underscored the benefits of reusable pads, noting that they provide a sustainable solution to menstrual hygiene management.

“The program places a strong focus on the promotion of reusable sanitary pads, which are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly, by promoting reusable sanitary pads, we are not only addressing the immediate needs of our girls but also fostering an environmentally responsible culture," he added.

In addition to advocating for menstrual health, Deputy Minister Kwidini took the opportunity to call for greater respect for teachers and parents, recognizing their pivotal role in the education and upbringing of children.

"Our teachers and parents are the backbone of our communities, they play a crucial role in imparting knowledge and values to our children. We must honor and support them in every possible way," Kwidini stated.

One student, Mary Zvikaramba, shared her thoughts on the program's significance.

 "This initiative means a lot to us, it gives us the confidence to attend school regularly without worrying about menstrual issues, a lot of girls have been skipping school to avoid embarrassment as they do not afford sanitary wear. We feel valued and supported," she highlighted

The program is expected to be rolled out across various schools in the Chiwundura Constituency, with plans to expand further, ensuring that the girl child has access to necessary menstrual hygiene products and education. The launch marks a promising step towards improving menstrual health and hygiene, aligning with the broader goals of health equity and gender equality.

Meanwhile, the Second Republic has shown its commitment to the future of girls by prioritizing menstrual health and hygiene. Discussions in Parliament have reviewed the Government’s commitment to provide pads in every school.  By addressing such a fundamental need, the Government is fostering a brighter, more educated future for all.