Collaborative hydropower development in Zambezi basin gains momentum

Staff Reporter

Zimbabwe has partnered with fellow members of the Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) to advance hydropower infrastructure and improve water resource management within the Zambezi basin.

The country is currently hosting a delegation from the Nile Basin Initiative, which includes representatives from ten riparian states.

This visit is part of a broader effort to bolster trans-boundary water management and address water quality challenges across the regions sharing the Zambezi River.

Acting Director of Water Resources, Development, and Utilization at the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development, Engineer Tatenda Mawokomatanda, discussed the collaborative framework.

"We are excited to showcase our joint hydro-power ventures, particularly the facilities shared with Zambia at Kariba, and explore potential replication of such projects across other member states," he said.

 The delegation will also examine the broader Zambezi basin, which includes critical catchments like Lupane, Gwayi, Sanyati, Manyame, and Mazowe.

ZAMCOM's Executive Secretary, Felix Ngamlagosi emphasized the need for an integrated approach to overcome regional challenges.

"The Zambezi region faces several obstacles, including recurrent droughts, infrastructural deficits, and limited storage capacity. Our strategic investment plan is designed to address these issues comprehensively," Ngamlagosi noted.

Executive Director of the Nile Basin Initiative, Dr Florence Grace Adongo highlighted the mutual benefits of cross-regional cooperation.

"This exploratory tour fosters a conducive environment for developing cooperative strategies that benefit all states involved in managing the shared water resources of the Nile and Zambezi basins," she remarked.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe’s focus remains steadfast on enhancing its hydro-power capabilities by constructing additional storage dams to maximize the potential of the Zambezi Basin's water resources.

The initiative aims not only to boost power generation but also to ensure sustainable water management that supports socio-economic development across the region.

The Nile Basin Initiative, an intergovernmental organization of ten Nile basin countries, continues to drive efforts towards the equitable and sustainable utilization of the Nile waters, promoting socio-economic growth in tandem with environmental stewardship.