Government launches nationwide ICT initiatives

Staff Reporter

Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, Tatenda Mavetera, officially launched the 'DIGITALIZE ZIMBABWE' campaign and the 'ROVING ICT EXPO' in Karoi, Mashonaland West Province, yesterday.

The event marked a pivotal moment in the nation's journey towards comprehensive digital inclusion.

Speaking at a gathering that included Government officials, community members, and media representatives, Minister Mavetera emphasized the Government's commitment to ensuring that every Zimbabwean, irrespective of their geographical location, benefits from the digital revolution.

 "Our goal is clear; to transform Zimbabwe into a digitally empowered society by the year 2030, as envisioned by His Excellency, the President. This initiative will bring the latest in ICT advancements directly to our people, fostering economic growth and improving the quality of life across the nation," said Minister Mavetera.

The 'DIGITALIZE ZIMBABWE' expo was designed as a nationwide campaign to showcase and explore digital technologies' potential in driving economic development and enhancing public service delivery.

"It serves as a dynamic platform where industry leaders and policymakers can collaborate to propel our nation forward," Minister Mavetera added.

Complementing this effort, Minister Mavetera added that the coming 'ROVING ICT EXPO' will cover all of Zimbabwe, reaching even the most remote communities.

 This mobile expo is intended to be a catalyst for digital inclusion, offering rural and peri-urban citizens the chance to engage with state-of-the-art technologies, acquire new digital skills, and unlock the transformative power of ICTs.

The Minister's speech highlighted the strategic importance of integrating all Zimbabweans into the digital world, paving the way for a prosperous and inclusive future.

"As we stand on the brink of this digital revolution, let us all as Zimbabweans embrace the opportunities it brings. Together, we will write a new chapter in our nation’s history, one where digital literacy and connectivity are cornerstones of our national development," Minister Mavetera concluded.

With the Government's strong resolve and strategic initiatives like 'DIGITALIZE ZIMBABWE' and the 'ROVING ICT EXPO', Zimbabwe is set to make significant strides towards becoming a digitally empowered nation.