Presidential Borehole Scheme Revitalizes Mashonaland East Province

Staff Reporter

The Presidential borehole scheme has become the cornerstone for enhancing food security and bolstering rural communities, particularly in the face of the challenging El Nino-induced drought.

Yesterday at a community gathering in Goromonzi, Mashonaland East Province, the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Dr. Apollonia Munzverengwi, passionately praised the initiative's pivotal role in sustaining local food systems.

"The Presidential Borehole Scheme is the lifeblood of our rural communities; these boreholes are the beating hearts that pump precious water, nourishing the livelihoods of our people to curb the El Nino drought. For those villages still awaiting their boreholes, rest assured, we have a Government that delivers on its promises," proclaimed Minister Munzverengwi.

Minister Munzverengwi also highlighted the proactive steps being taken to enhance community resilience through sustainable practices.

"The establishment of nutritional gardens and small business units in every village within Mashonaland East Province will be the seeds of self-sufficiency, these initiatives will empower our communities to secure their own food supplies, freeing them from the unpredictability of weather patterns and volatile global markets," she explained.

According to Minister Munzverengi, this strategic focus on sustainability is designed to cultivate a foundation of food security that can withstand environmental and economic pressures.

Moreover, the Minister urged local leaders to embody the spirit of proactive change, to champion the cause of their communities.

 "The time is now to transform our rural landscape to cultivate abundance where there was once scarcity and plant the seeds of prosperity in every corner of our beloved Province," she encouraged. This call to action aims to mobilize community leaders and residents alike to fully leverage the support provided by the Government.

Echoing the sentiments of Government support, Tinashe Handiradi, a local community leader, expressed his gratitude.

“As a community leader, I applaud the Government’s vision of a nation where no child goes to bed hungry and every family can provide for itself, this commitment to food security and self-sufficiency gives us hope for a brighter future where our communities can thrive,” he commented.

In continuation of these efforts, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development plans to drill 10 000 boreholes across the country by October 2024.

 This ambitious project, which is part of the irrigation rehabilitation and development initiative, aims to fortify agricultural practices against the increasing threats of climate change, ensuring sustainability and resilience in Zimbabwe’s agrarian sectors.

Through the Presidential borehole scheme and complementary initiatives, Government is making significant strides in safeguarding its rural populations from the adverse impacts of climate variability, setting a robust example of proactive governance and community empowerment.