CCC NEC member defects to ZANU PF

Political Reporter

A prominent opposition member has abandoned his political affiliation, citing lack of ideology and clear political direction as the primary reasons for his departure.

A source who spoke to this publication revealed that Muchineripi Chinyanganya, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) National Executive Council Member, recently defected to the ruling ZANU PF after being frustrated by internal party dynamics.

"Chinyanganya has left the CCC because he felt the party lacked clear ideology and political direction. He was particularly disheartened after being barred from standing as the CCC candidate for the Kadoma Central constituency during last year's elections," the source disclosed.

The source further revealed that since last year, Chinyanganya had been contemplating leaving the opposition due to his dissatisfaction with the power struggles within the CCC.

"He has been unhappy with the on-going power struggles and factionalism within the CCC, which only added to his frustration," the source said.

Chinyanganya's defection to ZANU PF follows a growing list of other notable opposition figures, including CCC Chegutu West losing candidate Takalani Mathibe and Gift Konjani, among many others.

Despite several attempts to reach Chinyanganya for comment via WhatsApp, he failed to respond to messages sent to his mobile phone.

However, ZANU PF Director of Information, Farai Muroiwa Marapira, provided insight into why the ruling Party was attracting former opposition members.

"ZANU PF has a solid ideological standing, which is making opposition members gravitate towards us. Our party offers a sound political ideology and a clear political direction. We are committed to fostering development and stability, which are crucial for the nation's progress," Marapira stated.

Meanwhile, ZANU PF is proceeding with its restructuring exercise across the country. The restructuring of cells and villages commenced last month and is expected to conclude on the 17th of next month.

This revamping of cell structures is aimed at enhancing the revolutionary party’s presence at the grassroots level, ultimately benefiting the community.