Chinese company promotes agriculture initiatives in Shurugwi  

Staff Reporter

Lives in Shurugwi community are set to be transformed as a Chinese mining company, Chengetai Chenxi Mine, has pledged to initiate commercial agriculture-related activities in line with the Government’s Agriculture 8.0 policy.

Shurugwi community has received a significant offer as the mining giant, Chengetai Chenxi Mine donated 60,000 metric tonnes of mealie meal to support the Government's efforts in combating the El-Nino-induced drought. This contribution is part of a broader plan by the mining company to empower the local community and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Speaking at the event over the weekend, Midlands Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Honourable Owen Ncube, highlighted the importance of such initiatives in supporting the Second Republic’s Drought Relief Programme.

“Government has commended Chengetai Chenxi Mine for its corporate social responsibility initiatives. This noble initiative exhibited by the mining company directly augments the Second Republic’s Drought Relief Programme underpinned by the Zunde raMambo and other social safety nets availed through the Department of Social Welfare as well as Development Partners.

“These food support systems aim to achieve household Food and Nutrition Security derived from the National Development Strategy (1) which is a plan for the realization of His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde. Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa’s position that no one should die of hunger under the Second Republic,” said Ncube.

Shurugwi North Legislator, Honourable Joseph Mpasi, expressed excitement and gratitude for the projects initiated by the mining company.

“As a constituency, we are very happy with the projects being spearheaded by this mining company. Apart from ensuring food security for the Shurugwi people, they are also rehabilitating roads which are making life for the people in the community easier. I want to urge other miners to emulate their good work,” said Mpasi.

Chengetai Chenxi Mine General Manager Simon Karimanzira, emphasized that this was the beginning of bigger things to come for the Shurugwi community.

“We are going to continue to provide them with mealie meal so that no one starves during this drought season. We are also going to make sure that we set up an irrigable 1 hectare nutritional garden per ward so that people can be empowered and farm throughout the year while generating income. In the second phase, we will provide villagers with domestic animals like poultry, goats, and pigs. The idea is to empower them so that they become self-sustainable,” said Karimanzira.

In April, President Emmerson Mnangagwa declared the El-Nino-induced drought a national disaster, urging development partners to support vulnerable households. The efforts by Chengetai Chenxi Mine are a testament to the positive impact that collaborative initiatives between private entities and the Government can have on local communities, particularly in times of crisis.