Chamisa’s attention seeking gimmicks activated

… As Zimbabwe prepares to host the SADC Summit

Reporter Staff

The embattled Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) breakaway faction leader, Nelson Chamisa is strategically planning to rejuvenate his waning political Career, by mobilizing demonstrations, timed to coincide with the upcoming Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Summit to be held in Harare, this August.

Despite the SADC endorsement of the August 23, 2023 elections, there is palpable desperation within Chamisa’s blue movement camp to hang on to former Zambian Vice President, Nevers Sekwila Mumba’s biased SADC Report as they persist on seeking support from SADC and the West in delegitimizing the August 2023 Harmonised General elections

Political commentator Professor, Anotida Chikumbu denounced Chamisa’s planned demonstrations arguing that the demonstrations would not yield any results in the intended delegitimisation of the August 2023 election outcome.

“He was supposed to challenge the election results through the Constitutional Courts immediately after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) announced the results. The SADC tribunal cannot preside over a case that was not first tabled before the sovereign Courts of Zimbabwe,” he said.

Political analyst, Eldred Masunungure responding to an interview with this publication, on Chamisa’s planned demonstrations, viewed Chamisa’s tactics as desperation, a lack of innovative thinking and political immaturity.

“Using innocent Zimbabweans as pawns in these demonstrations showcases Chamisa’s desperation and political immaturity, it raises ethical concerns about exploiting public sentiments for personal gain, especially at a regional and diplomatic event such as the SADC summit,” he said.

A source from CCC blue movement also divulged to this publication that currently Chamisa’s financial situation has become increasingly dire. This has prompted him to focus on a strategic plan for his survival through the upcoming SADC summit as a potential avenue to rejuvenate his political fortunes.

“Chamisa sees the summit as a crucial opportunity to revitalize his career and secure the much-needed financial support, especially from his Western allies who had distanced themselves as a result of loss of confidence in his leadership and political strategies.  This led to the West’s withdrawal of all forms of funding,” said the source.

Furthermore, word circulating on social media is that the CCC National Organizing Secretary, Amos Chibaya has begun urging legislators and councilors to contribute US$20 each, to be used to bail out CCC Chief Administrator, Jameson Timba and 76 others.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa continues to warn rogue elements within the nation who are bent on peddling falsehood and instigating acts of civil disorder, especially before, during and after regional and world-stage events.

Preparations for the Harare SADC Summit are in their final stages, with significant infrastructure developments near completion. The Government is constructing 18 state-of-the-art villas, refurbishing major hotels, and upgrading the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC), which now includes advanced ICT equipment in the 4,500-seat conference hall.