Government to align crop production with agro-ecological regions

Staff Reporter

Government is set to implement a policy that ensures crops are grown in the agro-ecological regions that align with the specific requirements of those regions.

According to a source within the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, this initiative aims to enhance crop yields, bolster food security and dictate that farmers in higher rainfall areas, specifically natural farming regions 1, 2, and 3, will focus on growing maize.

“These regions are characterized by their adequate rainfall, making them suitable for maize cultivation, which requires substantial water. Allocating maize production to regions with higher rainfall will optimize resource use and increase overall yields,” the source revealed.

The source further explained that this strategy aims to maximize land use efficiency and reduce the risk of crop failure due to inadequate rainfall.

“Conversely, in natural farming regions 4 and 5, where rainfall is significantly lower, the emphasis will shift to crops that require less water. These regions will prioritize the cultivation of drought-resistant crops such as sorghum, pearl millet, and finger millet,” the source said.

One significant benefit of this approach is the potential for increased agricultural diversity and resilience.

“By growing crops that are well-suited to specific climatic conditions, farmers can better withstand adverse weather patterns and climate change.

Aligning crop production with regional ecological conditions not only boosts yields but also enhances the resilience of the agricultural sector against climate variability,” the source added.

Commenting on this significant move, Chief Lands Officer, Fortune Chimbishi stated, “The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development believes that this focused approach will drive a more efficient use of natural resources, improve food security, and provide a stable income for farmers.

By tailoring agricultural practices to the natural strengths of each region, the Government aims to foster a more sustainable and productive agricultural sector,” Chimbishi added.

Meanwhile, Government is also set to promote the cultivation of traditional grains. Sorghum, pearl millet, and finger millet, which are well-adapted to arid conditions, will see increased emphasis.

These grains are not only more resilient to drought but also offer nutritional benefits and have the potential to improve food security and farmers’ livelihoods. The promotion of traditional grains is part of a broader strategy to diversify crop production and ensure sustainable agricultural practices across the country.