Financial constraints hamper CCC-Chamisa faction

Staff Reporter

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Chamisa faction is encountering significant hurdles in organizing the upcoming African Child Day commemorations, slated for June 16, 2024.

According to a source privy to the information, financial difficulties and internal discord among the youth members have severely hampered preparations for the event casting a shadow over the planned celebrations.

"The CCC Chamisa faction is facing severe financial constraints, which is significantly affecting their preparations for the 2024 Day of the African Child commemorations,” said the source

The source further disclosed that during a recent CCC meeting, members of the Chamisa faction openly discussed the financial challenges crippling their efforts.

"Youth members within the Chamisa faction are now expected to finance the event, covering costs of transportation, venue hire and catering," the source revealed. "This has led to a decline in morale and participation as many feel unprepared for the financial responsibility," the source reviewed

The source went further saying that the internal discord in the CCC faction stems from differing opinions on how to address the financial shortfall.

“Some members are arguing that the leadership should secure external funding or cut back on planned activities, while others believe that the youth should step up to finance the event. This lack of consensus has stalled decision-making processes and further delayed preparations,” the source said

Meanwhile, despite their inability to raise the necessary finances to commemorate the important Day of the African Child, the CCC Chamisa faction is still planning to organize demonstrations during the upcoming Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit.

This decision has raised questions about the faction's priorities, as they appear to be allocating resources towards political demonstrations rather than important community events. Critics argue that the focus on demonstrations, in the midst of financial struggles reflects a misalignment with the needs and interests of their youth membership and the broader community.