Chamisa fails to pay his security team

Political Reporter

In a development that could invite embarrassment, Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change, is allegedly failing to pay his personal security team for the past six months.

This claim, coming from sources close to his security detail, has triggered concerns about Chamisa’s financial stewardship and commitment to his staff.

According to the source, the security personnel, frustrated by the prolonged non-payment, have sought the assistance of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) for mediation.

The source revealed, “These dedicated employees have not received their dues for half a year, and it’s deeply concerning. They have now turned to ZCTU, hoping for a resolution.”

The source added that the issue of non-payment had raised significant concerns about Chamisa’s financial management practices.

"It's alarming to see such negligence from a leader of his stature. How he manages his finances, especially regarding those who work closely with him, is crucial,” said the source.

The source further said that the situation was also complicated by allegations of Chamisa's personal expenditures.

The source claimed, “It’s quite worrying. On one hand, there is a struggle to pay the security staff, and on the other, there are reports of him leading a lavish lifestyle and spending on his alleged girlfriend, Tsungai Chekero, who resides in the Avonlea suburb.”

Political commentator, Nobleman Runyanga said that this disparity had only added to the mounting criticisms and that the timing of these allegations was particularly critical as Chamisa seeks to maintain his political relevance in the run-up to the upcoming elections.

“These controversies around his financial decisions and leadership style are likely to intensify the political discourse surrounding him, potentially impacting his reputation and influence,” said Runyanga.

Runyanga added that as Zimbabwean politics continues to evolve, this situation underscores the importance of financial integrity and responsibility, especially for those in leadership positions.

“How Chamisa addresses these allegations could be crucial for his political future as he navigates the complex landscape of public perception and political accountability,” added Runyanga.

Meanwhile, despite efforts to reach Chamisa and his team for comments, there was no immediate response.