Second Republic, Church relationship remains solid

Staff Reporter

President Emmerson Mnangagwa said the relationship between the church and the Second Republic remained solid and that Government would ensure that Christians continue to conduct their affairs without hindrance.

Addressing a multitude of Zion Christian Church (ZCC) congregants on Sunday during an ascension service in Mbungo, Bikita, President Mnangagwa asserted that, Christians remained a vital pillar in which Government continuously relied on to bridge the gap between the mass and their leaders. He also highlighted that if voted into office, Christians would continuously enjoy the peace and harmony that was acquired during the liberation struggle.

“Isu vatungamiri venyika tinofara kuona kuti kuwirirana nekubatana kweHurumende nemi vema church kuri kuramba kuchifamba murugare. Tinoona zvakare kuti hushamwari huri pakati pedu hwuri kuramba     huchingokura. Nekudaro kudzokera kwangu nebato reZANU PF muhofisi yemutungamiriri wenyika, vatenderi vose vacharamba vachiwana runyararo rwatakawana kubudikidza nekudeuka kwakaita ropa muhondo yechimurenga (As leaders of Government, we find great joy in that Government and church continuously work together in peace and harmony. Furthermore, we take great joy to also realise that this relationship continues to strengthen by each day. I therefore promise that if voted back into office, I will ensure that Christians will continue to enjoy the peace that was achieved through the struggle for our independence.),” said President Mnangagwa.

The President also bemoaned the scourge of alcohol and drug abuse by the youths and minors. He said stricter measures should be employed by parents to curb the continuous use of drugs and alcohol by the youths and minors.

“Alcohol, drug and substance abuse still remain a worrisome challenge in our country. I therefore, call upon parents and guardians to employ our traditional methods of discipline as they have proven to be effective. I also call upon the youths to also refrain from taking up these substances as they do not give them future,” the President said.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa commissioned the Mutendi dam and the ZCC Rucos Talitha Cumi Hospital at Mbungo. The hospital will service local areas such as Zaka, Happy Valley, Chakona, Mhukahuru and Kupure amongst other areas.