Govt partners SA firm for satellite technology

by Patience Rashai

Government has partnered Special Advisory South African satellite firm in a bid to strengthen its foothold on satellite technology in minerals exploration, wildlife conservation, amongst a host of other technological research in the country.

Speaking to delegates at the launch of the Zimbabwe Geospatial and Space Agency (ZINGSA), in Harare, today, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said Government was keen to use satellite technology to achieve its 2030 goal of modernising and industrialising the country through science and technology.

“Geospatial and space technologies will enhance research and development in mineral exploration, wildlife conservation, disease surveillance, infrastructure management, mapping, among other requisites,” he said.

“As a country, we should embrace satellite technology and work together with the education sector to exploit available resources for the country’s development.

“Government will therefore set aside one percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) towards innovation, research and development,” he added.

As such, Government partnered with renowned SA's Space Advisory firm to assist it set up its satellite technologies, to exploit the trillion dollar industry (space).

"Previously there was a nationwide outcry with wildlife authorities after a poacher had killed Cecil the lion, and this was enabled by satellite tracking, one system which we can also implement," added Mr Caleb Maguranyanga of ZINGSA.

On the same function, Government also launched the Zimbabwe National Critical Skills Audit (ZNCSA) and the Zimbabwe National Qualification Framework which is expected to standardise educational qualifications for students.

All the three flagship programmes will foster technological advancement in schools, institutions of higher and tertiary learning and ultimately improve the country’s technologies, as Zimbabwe joins emerging Space Nations through establishment of ZINGSA.