Zimbabwe deserves a re-start: ED

By Claver Nyuki and Christopher Makaza

The Republic of Zimbabwe President, Emmerson Mnangagwa has lambasted the illegal sanctions imposed on the country by the West, saying that it is slowing down the economic recovery progress and infringing on the human rights of the country’s citizens while imploring that the country deserves a restart.

Addressing World Leaders at the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, United States (US) today, President Mnangagwa called on the imposers of the sanctions to immediately and unconditionally remove them.  

“Zimbabwe is in transition and determined to overcome the reality that we were a collapsed economy with a collapsed currency due to the illegal economic sanctions imposed on our country.

“Furthermore, the sanctions are slowing down our progress, inhibiting our economic recovery and punishing the poorest and the most vulnerable in our society,” said President Mnangagwa.

He urged the United Nations (UN) to play its part in the removal of sanctions, highlighting that the illegal sanctions go against the principles of the UN charter. 

“As the United Nations (UN), let us boldly honour the principles of our charter, the wrongs of the world must be set right. Unfair practices must be challenged in practice, racism and oppression of man by man must be opposed and rejected.

 “Those that imposed the illegal sanctions must heed this call and lift them now. Corporation is a win-win game, sanctions are a lose-lose game. Zimbabwe deserves a restart,” demanded President Mnangagwa.

President Mnangagwa also took the opportunity to thank regional and continental bodies namely the Southern African Developmental Community (SADC) and African Union (AU) for its unwavering support in calling for the immediate removal of the sanctions.

“My country applauds the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) and all who stand with us (Zimbabwe) in demanding the immediate and unconditional removal of these illegal sanctions,” he said.

Despite the illegal sanctions, President Mnangagwa offered an extended hand of corporation to like-minded nations who desire to partner Zimbabwe in mutual benefiting partnerships, in line with the Government’s re-engagement and engagement policy and ‘Zimbabwe is open for business mantra.’