Kasukuwere nominated to lead NPF

Gift Mashoko

National Patriotic Front (NPF) National Executive Council has nominated former Zanu PF National Commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere to take over the leadership position following the resignation of Ambrose Mutinhiri.

Mutinhiri re-joined Zanu PF together with Didymus Mutasa. Mutasa was haunted out of the ruling party by former president Robert Mugabe who accused him of trying to topple him together with former Vice President, Joice Mujuru.

The nomination of Kasukuwere was done at a meeting held in Waterfalls where NPF Commissar, Jim Kunaka presided.

A source who confided in the Harare Post confirmed that Kasukuwere was unanimously nominated.

“All the 19 people who attended the meeting nominated Kasukuwere to take over from Mutinhiri whom we expelled for failure to stir and guide the youthful party to greater heights. The meeting resolved to send two Provincial chairpersons to South Africa to engage Kasukuwere over the nomination,” said the source.

The source also said the National Executive Council made it clear that Mugabe was the brain behind the creation of the name NPF and the symbols of the party. The revelation was made amidst claims by Professor Jonathan Moyo that he is the one behind the creation of the name and symbols of the party.

Source further revealed that NPF National Executive Council resolved to make amendments to some provisions of the party constitution which they said were dictatorial in nature.

“The party constitution which was authored by Professor Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao has a dictatorial clause which the National Executive Council decided to amend. The clause to be amended is the one which dictates that the selection of the party leaders should be done by the party principal. We now want party leaders to be selected by the congress,” revealed the source.

Kasukuwere is a former Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing. He was in November 2017 expelled from Zanu PF for being the kingpin of the G40 cabal that was pursuing toxic politics in the ruling party. Kasukuwere then fled the country into exile alongside his fellow G40 cabalists.

When he came back, the law caught up with him for the crimes he had committed while he was local government minister.