Gvt upholds African Disability Protocol

Gift Mashoko

Government has been applauded for contributing a lot and looking into the issues of people living with disabilities, that is the African Disability Protocol (ADP).

Mr Kifita Kimbonyi of the Africa Down Syndrome Network and the Africa Disability Alliance Beneficiary showered the government with praises for upholding African Disability Protocol.

"I am very grateful to the government of Zimbabwe because it has contributed a lot to the ADP. Zimbabwe is the only country with an Advisor to the President on National Disability Issues who is also disabled, Mr Joshua Malinga," said Kimboni.

Mr Kimboni went on to say that the ADP had to be ratified in the African continent if not the whole world because some disabilities are marginalized like the intellectual and psychosocial disabilities. He highlighted that mainstreaming of disabilities had to be done because some disabilities were not visible. The ADP, he said was rooted in the African society.

Speaking at the same event on behalf of the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Dr Sekesai Nzenza, a Director in the Ministry, Sneddon Soko highlighted that the focus is now on advancing on global development agenda as championed by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are also in line with Zimbabwe’s protocols.

He highlighted that Zimbabwe is part of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Mr Soko went on to say that Zimbabwe should align the Disabilities Act with the Constitution and look at domesticating the UNCRPD.

Advisor to the President on the National Disability issues, Dr Joshua Malinga encouraged participants to correct their mindset because disability was in the mind. He referred to their condition as impairment instead.