Govt appeals for more relief material

Zivanai Dhewa

Cabinet has reviewed progress on the Cyclone Idai, the establishment of an Open Merchant Ship Registry, approved the amendment of the Public Service Act in order to align it with the Zimbabwe Constitution and also raised concern over the basic commodity price hikes, during Cabinet’s Tenth Meeting Decision Matrix.

Speaking at the press briefing, Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Cde July Moyo appraises the public on the progress on Cyclone Idai.

“Government is looking for more contributions for food and non-food items that are needed for the continued sustenance of people affected by Cyclone Idai and that figure is quite big and we take into account that a lot of Zimbabweans have been assisting us, while we make the appeal, we take into account that a lot of assistance has come from Zimbabweans and a lot of assistance also has come from our regional neighbours as well as international partners,” said Cde Moyo.

He further added that, “Secondly, we are looking at a situation where we have been assisted but we would also want to create capacity for rescue and search operation and so we are asking for assistance in those areas.

“The third area is your infrastructure which is divided into several subsectors, roads are the main infrastructure that have been destroyed and we are putting more focus on the main roads, feeder roads and tertiary roads, some have been taken over by DDF and some by the RDC and the main one have been taken over by the Transport and Infrastructure. The other infrastructure that has been affected has been the power infrastructure, Zesa is working very hard to restore that area,” said Minister Moyo.

Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Cde Monica Mutsvangwa has castigated retailers who are in the habit of increasing prices basing on market exchange rate movement instead of inflation movement.

“Cabinet raised concern over the tendency by suppliers of goods and services to continue increasing prices citing increased movement in the exchange rate on the USD,  it was pointed out that it was correct to base price increases on the inflation movement,” said Cde Mutsvangwa.

The Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare got approval from cabinet to proceed to amend the Public Service Act in order to align it with the Zimbabwe Constitution.