ZESA Board unveiled

Shongedzai Mugwagwa

Energy and Power Development Minister, Dr Joram Gumbo has announced a new board for Zesa Holdings which he gave a mandate to revive the fortunes of the power utility at a time Government has decided to bundle the company into one entity, The Harare Post reports.

The board that will be headed by Collins Chihuri has also incorporated former members from the preceding Herbet Murerwa-led board.

The incoming seven member board comprises of; Engineer Benson Munyaradzi representing the Ministry, Jacqueline Sande, Trust Chifamba, Hussein Omar, Cathrine Befura and Thomas Timire.

Addressing the media, Dr Gumbo told the new board members that he had appointed them to superintend over the re-bundling process of ZESA and ensuring that it is managed as one.

“I need to welcome the incoming board members to ZESA and emphasise that they should look at the structure of the company with a view to streamlining it to ensure that it is not top heavy,” he said.

The Minister told the incoming board that it has been appointed at a time ZESA had been enjoying four years of stable power supply and also engaged in bigger capital projects.

He urged the board members to put their all in superintending the entity despite challenges that may arise in carrying out their duties.

“One of the major challenges that you will be confronted with as a board is the issue of corruption in procurement, prepayment meter allocations, illegal electricity connections and nepotism in recruitment of employees. These are the ills of the organisation but I have confidence that you will decisively deal with this rot,” said the Minister.

The Minister advised the board that the tenure of Engineer Josh Chifamba had lapsed and therefore, Engineer Patrick Chivaura was the acting ZESA boss.

“It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge Eng Chifamba’s contribution, leadership and commitment to the company. It is partly because of his efforts that you find the entity in the state that it is in today,” he said.

Government had dissolved boards of entities which fall under ZESA to come up with a unitary single board that will be dealing with the power utility issues.

Last year, Government initiated a forensic audit into the operations of ZESA after a tip off of scandals and corruption in the power utility. The forensic audit saw about 20 ZESA top managers being sent on forced leave to pave way for investigations.

The Minister told the board that he has forensic audit findings and report and will gladly hand it over to the board for further actioning.

He implored the board to remain resolute and measure up to the task in carrying out their mandate and pushing forward Government expectations and goals.