Biti’s new currency claims dismissed

By Christopher Makaza.

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Deputy Minister, Energy Mutodi has dismissed claims by former Finance Minister and MDC Deputy National Chairman, Tendai Biti that Government is set to introduce a new currency this week.

Biti on his twitter page posted, “The regime will this week introduce a new Zimbabwe currency not backed by any reserves and without the context of structural reforms which a prerequisite of currency reform. That move is pure undiluted, insanity. An unbanked currency is just the bond note by another name.

“There is no country in the world that has involuntarily dollarized that has ever succeeded in de -dollarizing. Zimbabwe will not be the 1st .Whilst a currency is about fundamentals; ultimately the most important fundamental is confidence. There is absolutely no trust in this regime.”

Responding to Biti`s tweet, Deputy Minister Mutodi said, “Hon Biti has falsely claimed that government will be introducing a new currency next so as to cause panic on the market. The truth is the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor is still working on the monetary policy. May the lawyer focus on what he knows best not economics.”

Deputy Minister Mutodi highlighted that officials from Ministry of Finance revealed to him that a local currency is being worked on but there are fundamentals that government and the Central Bank have to put in place to ensure a vibrant and robust local currency.

Citizens have described Biti`s continued bitterness and attack on Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube and government as dangerous.

Cyber troll, Manyoni Matongo on her twitter page responded, “With such people like Biti, you think Zimbabwe can be peaceful? He can kill for power. Such bitterness is dangerous. He doesn't feel good when Mthuli is doing it, he thinks he is the only person who knows everything about money.