Rural areas to benefit from Zupco buses, VP Mohadi

By Christopher Makaza

Government is in the process of availing ZUPCO buses to rural areas in a bid to cushion the rural electorate from exorbitant bus fares being charged by unscrupulous transport operators.

Addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters at Mt Darwin High School in Mashonaland Central Province on Saturday, Vice President Kembo Mohadi slammed long distance transport operators for charging unaffordable and unrealistic fares.

“We are happy to announce that government has intervened to assist the rural electorate with buses which charge reasonable and affordable fares. Like the urban community, the rural areas will also soon receive ZUPCO buses which are reliable and affordable. Government is in the process of resuscitating ZUPCO and soon transport challenges will be a thing of the past.

“Recently President Emmerson Mnangagwa was in Belarus which offered to help develop Zimbabwe as a regional transport hub using its own experiences. Belarus also offered to provide Zimbabwe with an initial 500 buses with the possibility of increasing the number in future. Government interventions have given a relief to our people in the urban areas and we are extending the programme to rural areas as well,” he said.

Zanu PF Mt Darwin urban District Chairman, Johane Tsikirai applauded government intervention saying high transport costs were affecting development in the district.

“We really appreciate government`s position of availing buses to rural areas, transport operators are taking advantage of the situation and charging unaffordable fares. From Mt Darwin to Harare, one needs to part with $25 hard earned cash, it`s not realistic.

“We, however, appeal with the government to also address the issue of prices of basic commodities like cooking oil, sugar and mealie meal, if possible re-introduce price control systems,” he said.