President leads clean up at Parirenyatwa

By Tawanda Musariri

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today left the comfort of his office to lead a national cleanup campaign from the front. Today he cleaned the Parirenyatwa Hospital’s forecourt before visiting new mothers at the Mbuya Nehanda Maternity Wards at the same hospital.

The President set up the first Friday of every month as the national day of cleaning. This cleaning is encouraged at all places where people spend their time, be it homes, offices, schools, hospitals and jails.

The President was accompanied by Ministers Oppah Muchinguri (Defence and War Veterans), Obadiah Moyo (Health and Childcare), Mthuli Ncube (Finance and Economic Development), and Presidential Communications Deputy Chief Secretary Mr George Charamba together with Secretary for Information, Media Publicity and Broadcasting Mr Ndavaningi Nick Mangwana.  

The national day of cleaning was declared by the President in December 2018 and kick-started at Machipisa shopping centre in Highfield, Harare.

Speaking at the occasion, President Mnangagwa said every citizen must take it upon himself to ensure his environs are clean and habitable. He said cleanliness was good for sustained health and development.

“I implore every citizen in all cities, towns, growth points and in our homes and workplaces to set aside two hours of your time on every first Friday of the month to clean your environment. We are in agreement of the need to create healthy living and working environments wherever we are. Cleanliness is not an event; it is a lifestyle that we ought to embrace. Cleanliness cannot only start at the workplace yet we have left behind dirty homes,” said the President.

After touring Mbuya Nehanda maternity ward, the President spoke of the need to spruce up the delivery facility to make it cleaner and more comfortable to expectant mothers and newly born babies.

“I have noticed many areas requiring repair and upgrade at the delivery facility. These include walls, floors, windows and blankets used by the patients as well. Of course Government cannot do everything but if we look for partners to work towards this endeavour, it can be achieved,” said the President.

President Mnangagwa said the national cleanup program was copied from Rwanda where the program has been implemented successfully, resulting in a very clean country, more so the capital city, Kigali.