MDC Alliance threatens Masarira over expose

By Zivanai Dhewa

MDC T party spokesperson, Linda Masarira is currently in hiding in South Africa after receiving death threats from the MDC Alliance for exposing their hidden hand in the just ended violent protests.

In a leaked telephone conversation with fugitive Crisis Coalition Zimbabwe leader, Rashid Mahiya, Masarira exposes the MDC Alliance plans to destabilise the country through civil unrest.

“Listen Rashid, my point is the training in Zambia; these people were told if Chamisa does not win we have to defend the vote. I have the whole recording of that thing,” retorted Masarira.

“I have been subjected to abuse and insults. My image has been tarnished.

“They should stop their assault against me, I have been respecting them for a very long time, but they don’t even reciprocate,” said Masarira.

Mahiya is heard restricting Masarira from exposing details pertaining to the terror attacks across the country while promising to talk to his fellow allies in the MDC Alliance leadership.

“I will talk to them, you are one of us, what has only changed is that you are now MDC T but it has not taken you to the other side,” said Mahiya while trying to calm Masarira.

Making reference to the recent terror and violent protests, Rashid said, “There are other lines that we are not supposed to cross, I will talk to these guys because the moment we cross that line, we won’t be able to come back.”

Masarira made reference to some of her tweets where she mentioned the secret trainings by the MDC A vanguard unit in neighbouring countries, when the country was experiencing spontaneous fires soon after the elections.

“I spoke about this thing that these people have actually trained to be disruptive and to actually cause Zimbabwe to be ungovernable. Remember those arsons, they were behind it and I said it and people called me insane, and challenged me to give them proof.

“These people were taught what is known as “Dilemma Action”, they were taught to do things that are untraceable.  You can never trace what they do, they have got money and they pay people,” she added.

Meanwhile, MDC Alliance leaders are under fire as the business community and individuals that lost their properties through fire and looting are preparing their papers so that the MDC Alliance can compensate them.