No to politics of polarisation: Mangwana

Zivanai Dhewa

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting, Nick Mangwana has castigated polarisation that has engulfed our nation’s political field.

“Our politics is now characterised by serious polarisation pitying those pro-establishment and those who are anti.  Our country can do so much better if we refuse to surrender to the politics of polarisation.  We can’t always be trying to stir something against each other.  We are one,” posted Mangwana on his Twitter page.

“One reality that I have learnt is that in issues of subjective judgement, it is erroneous to advocate for a singular truth (your truth).  You purge yourself of conceit when you accept the contingency of a multiplicity of truths depending on the lenses,” added Mangwana.

Moses Machipisa weighed in on the Permanent Secretary’s assertions saying that, “There should be differences of opinion not divisions.  We must be one people in one.”

On his post, MDC T party vice president, Obert Gutu, also criticised the degree of polarisation in this country. “In our racial, ethnic, political and religious diversity, we can still be united as Zimbabweans,” he said.

He added that, “the level of polarisation enmity, hate, intolerance and malice amongst us Zimbabweans is nothing short of shocking.”

One netizen identified as Jonathan Rukuni blasted the abuse of social media arguing that it is the one that has mostly fuelled this amount of animosity amongst Zimbabweans.

“It is exaggerated by false allegations and reports on social media.  Now social media is regarded as truth and holy yet it’s the weapon against people now,” said Rukuni.

In agreement with Mangwana, Chingoriwo posted on his Twitter page emphasising on national healing.

“I agree mkoma.  The country needs deliverance and national healing.  We are gradually normalising an abnormality which is disintegrating the ubuntuism, respect and dignity.  The oneness and villagisation which used to characterise our communities has died a sudden death,” Chingoriwo said. 

Meanwhile, the MDC Alliance has continued with its hate speech and constant attack of government initiatives, using hateful terms such as “tozvidira jecha” translated to mean, the MDC A will throw spanners into every effort government is making toward the revival of the country’s economy.