MDC Alliance hand exposed


The unfortunate incident of assault on MDC-N member Discent Bajila in Mpopoma surbubs of Bulawayo yesterday has exposed the hand of the MDC Alliance in the illegal stay away.

Bajila is one of the high profile MDC-N members that attended the infamous “Action Dilemma” courses that were conducted in CapeTown.

He recently returned to Zimbabwe on secondment to the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe as a “technical” member.

Writing on his Facebook wall, an opposition aligned blogger claimed that Bajila “recently made headlines for being a member of a team that was negotiating for teachers’ salaries representing ARTUZ, who pressed Government to pay them in US Dollars."

“Critics have argued that this is an apparent attack on him as he has braved and agreed to be a technical member of the ARTUZ.”

According to social media reports, the clean shaven Bajila was reportedly mistaken for a Policeman by the rowdy Bulawayo protestors who went on to mete “instant justice” leaving him with a broken arm and bruised eye.

Meanwhile, MDC members close to the goings on in that party gave out that Bajila was a victim to tense political divisions playing out between Prof Welshman Ncube and Thabitha Khumalo.

“As you could be aware there is a bitter war between Prof Ncube and Khumalo. The secondment of Bajila to the ARTUZ technical team did not go well with the Khumalo faction more so considering the monetary allowances.

“There is a feeling that most of the people who included in the technical teams in Matabeleland were mostly drawn from Prof Ncube camp. His assault was orchestrated by the Khumalo faction,” said the source.

Added the source: “This had nothing to do with ZANU PF. Who does not know Bajila in Bulawayo? If the call was genuinely from a ZANU PF member, those would have been the target. This was a purely MDC Affair.”